About this site

This site is owned and maintained by me (Angie).

I am proud to host the Treasure Chambers Museum, a project of the Beauty and the Beast Museum Project, which I launched in 2009 and which owes a huge debt of thanks to the many collectors of B&B memorabilia. The project is ongoing and new memorabilia - even show costumes - are still emerging from their long darkness.

The Gallery items displayed here, in groups, were cataloged by myself as part of Beauty and the Beast Museum Project and appear individually in The Treasure Chambers, with descriptions.

The TCs Museum is a wonderful archive of physical B&B memorabilia, but cannot catalog the enormous volume of  other,  "virtual" material which exists in this fandom. This includes downloadable audio files, music, fan fiction (.pdf)  and handicraft patterns and instructions. This site will attempt to offer some of this other material as inspiration to fans, and as a permanent archive for it.

There is much more to be added to this site, and it will appear as my time allows - more audio files, more fan fiction, more memorabilia collections - and hopefully more crafts by the many talented individuals in our fandom. Anyone who has crafts they would like displayed, and is willing to explain to others how they created them, is welcome to contact me.

Memorabilia additions to the Treasure Chambers (this site, and the B&B Musuem Project's Treasure Chambers) are also welcome. Groups of items are preferred for this site (to save space), while images of individual items are required for the TC Museum.

Questions, comments and submissions may be sent to me here:
angie email
Note: All the material on this site is offered freely to fans of the Beauty and the Beast televeision series (1989-1991). No copyright infringement is intended to the license holders of the Beauty and the Beast (TV series) rights.
This site is intended to offer inspiration and information to fans - and to help keep alive the dream inspired by the series.

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