
ANN JACKSON (July 12, 1948 - March 3, 2013)

Ann Jackson, a long-time British B&B fan, was a keen member of a British fan club with Pat Paone (The Perlman Pages). Her love of Beauty and the Beast (original TV series) took her all over the world, and was a large part of her life for several years. She attended conventions in the UK and US and made a lot of friends. She met Ron Perlman and travelled to see him in plays, films, etc.

Angie has purchased her B&B memorabilia collection and the proceeds have been donated to a local charity which looked after Ann in her last days. The  UK charity, Treetops, provides palliative care for terminally ill people from all walks of life:

The Treasure Chambers features  many items from Ann's collection, and Angie thanks her brother David for the opportunity to share this wonderful memorabilia with other B&B fans, in accordance with Ann's wishes.

Below are some of the photos and certificates she cherished ...
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Ann with Ron Perlman, 1996

Ann (centre) with B&B fans (left) Sharon Hearn (nee Scrase) and Pat Paone (right) in the 1990s.  

All three were members of the Turquoise Cavern, a group of about 10 members who met regularly in each other's homes. This photo was taken in Pat's kitchen.
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