

November 21, 1924 - May 16, 2018

A native New Yorker, Joseph Campanella played an important, well-defined, recurring guest star role as Dr Peter Alcott.
He appeared only in three Season 2 episodes, 'Ashes, Ashes', 'Dead of Winter', and 'The Rest is Silence",
but his presence is one that is so necessary, so sympathetic, that he appeares often in fan fiction.
His popularity is due in no small part to the talent of Joseph Campanella
He elevated a relatively minor role into one that we didn't realize we needed - until it was realized.


Despite his short list of appearances, Dr Peter Alcott's was a critical role
and Joseph Campanella played it with professional gravity.

We learned a great deal about Dr Peter Alcott's background - and by extension Father's, Vincent's  and Catherine's:

In no particular order ....
- He was a pediatrician and delivered Catherine Chandler
- He and Catherine were friends and she consulted him personally and professionally
- He was very friendly with Catherine's parents - although we aren't told how that came to be.
- Catherine was a friend of his daughter Susan.
- He went to medical school with Jacob and knew of his blacklisting.
- Jacob enlisted him as a helper in the very early days of the tunnel community.
- He was first consulted when baby Vincent was brought to the tunnels.
- He supplied the tunnel community with necessary medical supplies and probably some equipment too.
- He played chess with Jacob and usually won - implying he was a regular visitor to the tunnels.
- He had taken blood samples from Vincent previous to 'The Rest is Silence', and warned Catherine the results might not provide answers.
- He was sometimes consulted by the DA's office - and we first meet him talking to Joe in 'Ashes, Ashes'.
- He loves to joke about how he first met Catherine (stark naked - at her birth) - and does so with Joe.
- He apparently didn't know of Catherine's association with the tunnel community, or that she was a helper, until he met her in the warehouse in 'Ashes, Ashes'.
- He claimed Catherine had been very secretive 'for the past year' by the time of their meeting in the warehouse.
- He was one of only three people who harked back to the early days of the tunnels (besides Paracelsus) - the others being Sebastian the street entertainer, and Lou the barber.
- He didn't attend Catherine's funeral in Season 3.

What we don't know (and many fanfic writers have speculated upon):

- The name of his wife, or why and when she died.
- Why Catherine's association with the tunnels was kept a secret from him (did he visit that rarely for 'almost a year'?).
- If her presence was a secret, only one person could have imposed the stricture - Father.



Ashes AshesDead of WinterThe Rest is Silence


Fan Fiction


A Sharing of Hearts

The Way Old Friends Do


Peter's Gift

Secrets and Promises


Naming Day


A Doctor for All Seasons

artfilm striptvs

Just For Fun

PeterDr Peter Alcott
Cross Stitch Bookmark

13 DMC colours

26w X 80h

(Use cross stitch banding for best result)

Download the pattern zip file HERE

Many more characters are available as bookmark patterns


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