Bags - 1

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Item Description
licensed sports bag Item 101: B&B Sports Bag
Category: Bags
Description: Republic licensed, black canvas B&B sports bag with official B&B logo.
Image provided by JoAnn
Kingdom3ToteBag2 Kingdom3ToteBag Item 103: Convention Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: Two sides of "A Kingdom by the Sea III - A Celebration of Love" B&B off-white canvas convention tote bag (Orlando, Florida, 2002). One side has colour image from the dream sequence from "A Happy Life" episode, and the other a black and white image of the same.
Image provided by: JoAnn
TunnelCommunityToteBag Item 104: B&B Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: Off-white canvas tote bab with head drawings of Vincent and Catherine, and inscribed "Beauty anhd the Beast" and "The Tunnel Community".
Image provided by: JoAnn
TunnelCon1totebag Item 105: B&B Convention Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: Blue cotton tote bag, with crocheted rope handle, from Tunnel Convention 1 (Las Vegas, 1990), with black drawing of lion's head.
Image provided by: JoAnn
TunnelCon2ToteBag Item 106: B&B Convention Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: White and pink striped B&B convention bag from Tunnel Con II - a Carousel Fantasy (Las Vegas, 1992), with a black image of a horse, and white cloth handles.
Image provided by: JoAnn
GreatExpectationsToteBag Item 107: Convention Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: B&B convention cloth tote bag from "Great Expectations - a World of Dancing Lights (Austin, Texas, 1993), with silhouette of vincent and Catherine under a rose trellis.
Image provided by: JoAnn
TunnelCon3ToteBag Item 108: B&B Convention Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: Off-white, canvas B&B convention tote bag from "Tunnelcon III - a Family Reunion" (Las Vegas, Nevada, 1994)
Image provided by: JoAnn
NYCon2001Tote Item 109: B&B Convention Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: Canvas B&B convention tote bag from "Once Upon a Time in the City of NY" (2001).
Image provided by: JoAnn
DenverConTote Item 110: B&B Convention Tote Bag
Category: Bags
Description: Canvas tote bag from "BB-TV Does Denver" (2006) with colour image of Vincent and Catherine against mountains in background.
Image provided by: JoAnn