Decor - 3

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Mug Item 334: Vincent Mug
Category: Decor
Description: Mug with fan-commissioned image of a Vincent portrait by unknown artist "El".
Image provided by: Peggy
Shelf Item 363: Vincent Window Shelf
Category: Small (14" X 8") shelf/mirror combination with half-circle mirror etched in pattern resembling Vincent's chamber window. Sold on eBay from the estate of Sandy "Chan" Shelton.
Image provided by: JoAnn
Ornament Item 445: B&B Ornament
Category: Decor
Description: Colour card ornament with artistic rendering of Vincent and Catherine, and a poem approximately 3.5 X 2 inches (9 X 5 cm), with "crystal" beads and white rose hanging below it. Design and poem by Deborah Ly.
Image provided by: Angie
shadow sieve Item 614: Vincent face
Category: Decor
Description: Vincent's face, smiling, and the shadow, on a common 6"(15cm) kitchen wire sieve. Insired by Spanish artist Isaac Cordal, who makes faces as public art (stuck in the ground in London, England). Bright sunlight is needed to see the shadow clearly.
Images provided by: Angie
Lg box Sm box Item 616: Memento boxes
Category: Decor
Description: Two felt-bottomed, wooden memento boxes with hinged lids, designed to resemble books. Brown
box with Olivia Portrait measures 5 1/2" X 8" and is 3 1/2" deep (14cm X 20cm x 9cm). Blue box measures 2 1/2"  X 4" and is 2 1/2" deep (6.5cm x 10cm x 6.5 cm). Artwork by Lynn Wright.
Images provided by: Angie
glass Item 620: Glass Plate
Category: Decor
Description: Small, commemorative glass plate for a first time B&B Convention attendee with a studio photo of Vincent and Catherine in the middle. Issued at the New Oreleans Convention in 2011.
Image provided by: Kathy
mugs1 muggs2
mugs 3
Item 763: Ceramic Mugs
Category: Decor
Description: Hand-made white and black Vincent coffee mugs, with freehand drawings and 22 carat gold luster accents, made and sold by Julia Passamonti-Colamartino. They are made using the Italian maiolica technique (pure pigment over a glazed background) and then fired a third time (terzo fuoco) .
For more information contact Julia here: email

Images provided by: Julia
valets orig forms rev costumes766: Costume Forms
Category: Decor
Description: Two decorative miniature tailor forms adapted and dressed in fan-made Vincent and Catherine Winferfest-inspired costumes. Far left shows originals, middle adapted forms, and right the finished forms. Catherine form stands about 7" (18cm) tall and the Vincent about 8.5" (22cm).
Images provided by: Angie
Item 768: Wall Plate
Category: Decor
Description: Fan-made decorative 17" (43cm) wall plate with a drawing of Vincent and Catherine based on the final "Remember Love" episode scene. According to the artist, it is best displayed using an amber light (shown). Hand-made and freehand decorated, made in the Italian maiolica technique (pure pigment over a glazed background) and then fired a third time (terzo fuoco) with 22 carat gold luster.
Images provided by Julia.
Item is for sale. For more information contact: email
bwplateItem 771: Plate
Category: Decor
Description: Hand-made and freehand decorated Vincent wall plate, 13", made in the Italian maiolica technique (pure pigment over a glazed background).
This plate is for sale. Contact: email
Image provided by: Julia