Publications - 1

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Item Description
Item 813: Pipeline Newsletter
Category: Publications
Description: Subscription, black and white fan newletter produced by Starving Artists Workshop, Albany, New York. It was published for five years, beginning in May 1988. It was first issued as a legal-sized letterzine, then became an 8" x 10" magazine, and lastly a tabloid newspaper.
Image provided by: Angie
liteabsurd love
 YoYo dreams
Item 818: Graphic Novels
Category: Publications
Description: Four 8" X 10" graphic novels/comic books drawn and produced by P.S. Nim, a pseudonym for Alicia Gilbert. B&B Lite was the first  comic novel by Nim, writing as Sue D Nim, in 1989, with 38 pages. The Absurd Season was produced in 1990 and had 30 pages, The Beast of Times (Vol 1 - What a Yo-Yo) was produced in 1991 and had 60 pages and Dreams of Long Ago was produced in 1993 and had 47 pages. Nim also wrote a 245 page novel, Love Bade Me Welcome, in 1990.

Images provided by: Museum Project