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Peggy Garvin Gallery

Replica of Vincent's Stained Glass Window

Episode capture from "This Rough Beast"
ep cap
Late Season 3 set pictures used for reference
window fr

set pic rtset lit

It took Peggy several years to gather the glass to create her beautiful replica
of Vincent's stained glass window.
It is 50 inches wide by 28 inches tall (127 cm X 71.12 cm).
Read the full story of it HERE.

click on images for enlargement
The Process

Wooden frame commissioned by Frank Garvin in 2004
table 1

Arched sections cut and assembled in 2011
table 2

Close-up of bottom left and right detail in arched sections

Top roundel assembled
assembly 2

Centre section and motif with tools and copper foil

The Result


Window in place, night time
partial lit
Window against overcast daylight
Window in sunshine
detail left
Left detail
detail centre

Centre top detail

detail right

Right detail

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