Replicas - 1

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Bubba in Chamber Bubba at con Item 10: Bubba manequin in replica Vincent chamber
Category: Replicas
Description: Life-sized, fan-made, Vincent manequin (affectionately known as "Bubba") wearing replica clothing on a fan-made bed with replica stained glass window and other items. Bubba appears at Beauty and the Beast conventions.
Images supplied by: Chan
Frank Garvin on motorcycle Item 171: Frank Garvin
Category: Replicas
Description: Frank Garvin on a motorcycle, wearing replica Vincent costume (1992)
Image provided by: Peggy
Replica Masques costume Item 175: Masques costumes
Category: Replicas
Description: Peggy and Frank Garvin wearing hand-made "Masques" costumes at B&B Great Expectations convention in 1993.
Image provided by: Peggy
replica owl masks replica owl mask
Item 333: Owl Mask
Category: Replica
Description: Beaded and feathered replica of  white owl mask worn by Catherine  in B&B episode "Masques". Made by Peggy Garvin to accompany replica Southern Belle costume. Black mask has the same constuction. 
Images provided by: Peggy
fan tunnel vest front fan tunnel vest back Item 394: Fan Tunnel Vest
Category: Replicas
Description: Fan-made, adult tunnel-type vest made from leather purses, stitched together with handmade deerskin thongs. Made by Angela Burns for birthday 2010.
Images supplied by: Angie
replica Narcissa costume Item 408: Narcissa Costume
Category: Replica
Description: Peggy Garvin wearing Narcissa costume at San Diego B & B Convention (2010), consisting of genuine tunic dress and replica blouse, head scarf and basket.
Image provided by: Peggy
Distortions ad  V maskmask labelVinnequinClose
Item 420: Vincent Mask
Category: Replicas
Description: Life-sized, licensed, flexible official Vincent mask produced for Republic Pictures 1in 1990 by Distortions US. Some were sold with hair (see label). Priced at $14.95.
Worn by Peggy Garvin's "Vinnequin" and also by Frank Garvin in his role as "Frankly Vincent" at B&B conventions (see Replicas Item 175).

Images provided by: Peggy, Kathy
Item 427 - Vincent's Window
Category: Replica
Description: Fan-made replica of the stained-glass window seen in Vincent's chamber. Made from real stained glass bought from U.S manufacturers. Measures 50 inches wide by 28 inches tall.

Visit the NEW Peggy Garvin Gallery to see more images and read a detailed description of the  process used to make this beautiful window.

Images supplied by: Peggy
cape back cape front Item 477: Adult Cape
Category: Replica
Description: Cape made by Peggy Garvin, entirely from fabric and leather scraps used to make the original cloak (and duplicates) Vincent wore in the series. Design took six months and the stitching another three to four months. Almost entirely  hand sewn. It was auctioned at the New Orleans B&B convention in 2011, with the proceeds going to charity. Cape has hood, leather fringes, "sausages" down the front, leather shoulder overhang, and uses the two types of black fabric used in the original (one close woven, smooth and lightweight, the other loose weave, lightweight and hairy). Has a six inch hem to allow for height differences.
Images provided by: Peggy, Kathy
Stu Deb Item 644: Fan costumes
Cateogry: Replicas
Description: Stu Shef dressed as Vincent and his wife Deborah as Belle, in early 1990s.
Image provided by: Stu