Statuettes - 3

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Item Description
760 bef1 760 hug bef
 760 after fr 760 after bk
Item 760: Ceramic Figurines
Category: Statuettes
Description: Two small, very crude, bisque holloware, ceramic statuettes of same unknown origin (top), remodelled into Vincent & Catherine poses using polymer clay (bottom). "Kiss" statuette is slightly smaller than the "Hug". Both statuettes were found in a thrift store.
Images provided by: Angie

792 fr 792 bk 792 baseItem 792: V incent and Catherine Toddlers
Category: Statues
Description: Painted ceramic toddlers by Rita Terrell. Vincent is 2-1/2" tall and holding a battered teddy bear and Catherine is 2-1/4" tall and holding a stuffed lion.
Images provided by: Peggy
vcItem 807: Figurines
Category: Statuettes
Description: Disney-like 5" (13cm) unpainted resin figurines of  Vincent and Catherine on rough base with ball of wool. Origin and artist unknown.
Image supplied by: Museum Project
808 front 808 backItem 808: Vincent and Catherine Figurines
Category: Statues
Description: Nicely detailed, unpainted, molded resin figurines of Vincent standing and Catherine seated. Vincent is 5" high and Catherine 3". There is no identification on them and origin is unknown. Possibly fan made.
Images supplied by: Kathy